Useful Tips for Mastering and Music Mixing and Rerecording

Are you in a band or are you an artist, a musician, working a some music project? If your answer is yes, then keep reading this article as it is meant to assist you to have a good experience while recording your music. The first question you should ask yourself is what you are taking in the professional mixing session studio. By now you should have recorded your own song and what you are looking for is a professional mix engineer. There is a lot of confusion surrounding this subject.

Other arising questions could be if your select recording studio is charging you too expensively. Again if the answer is yes, you should know you are not alone. Recording prices can shoot up if you include the musicians, engineering costs and several other elements. The question to ask here is how to counter this and optimize from the sessions. This could be answered by doing things a bit differently. Start by having a home studio so that when you go to the professionals for the actual recording the costs will be lower.

Now, if you’ve recorded your song it is likely that you’ve done it with a digital audio workstation that makes it possible to perform multi-tracking recordings. This means you have many tracks with various instruments like snare drum, kick drum, guitars, bass among others. When you go to the recording mixer you must take these tracks. You can do this by taking the whole studio session project or let them export the files they require.

Most recording studios will ask you to pay for mixing, tracking and mastering the recording. All this is included in the session costs. So if the studio charges are $5 per hour, $20 for mixing and $20 mastering. If you take four hours you could be paying $60 to mix and master your music. This means you save $20 which you could use for another project. But if you learn how to record your vocals could save you much more. You could be on the right track if you read widely from the internet.

But, in case your software is not the same as your mix engineer’s you may have to take or export each track independently to a separate audio file. This can be done through soloing every track and sending out the track that has a high-resolution audio. It is advisable that you render all tracks to their full lengths so that they are in sync when the engineer opens them up. This means that if you have a vocal track playing through a song you should also send the full length of that track.

The final vital consideration should be the digital resolution with which you send your files. This refers to the bit-depth and the sample rate. The most common one is the 16-bit and 44.1khz. You are advised to send it out with its original resolution or with the resolution which you used to record the file. Make sure none of your tracks are clipping and there are no effects on limiting or compression etc. If you have a proper render make sure your mix engineer does a good job of producing the best music for you. Copy your tracks in a USB stick, CD or DVD and take them to your mix engineer.

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